To file a workers’ compensation claim, there are confusing forms to fill out and file, unfamiliar language and abbreviations, piles of paperwork and inflexible deadlines. If you get one thing wrong, your claim is likely to be denied. And facing it all feels like too much. Hasn’t enough harm has been done to you when you were injured while responsibly and conscientiously performing your job duties?
Do I Need an Employee Injury Attorney in Shreveport?
Now is the time to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer when you’ve been injured on the job or are ill because of work conditions. If you’re unable to work and have lost critical income—and medical expenses and other bills are mounting—you can never begin the claim process too soon.
And because Louisiana statute of limitations for workplace injuries deadlines are strict, if you wait to file a workers’ compensation claim, you may permanently lose your right to benefits.
As a hard-working injured employee, you deserve the help of a skilled, aggressive workers’ compensation attorney immediately who will work hard to acquire your lawful benefits.
And because workers’ compensation law is exceedingly specialized, a finely tuned focus on its intricacies is imperative for the successful pursuit of the worker’s compensation benefits Louisiana and federal law provides. With attorneys Gordon and Gordon as your lawyers, you can be confident his legal skills are top-notch and that he’s up-to-date on the most current, often changing workers’ compensation laws and regulations.
Do You Know How Federal and Louisiana Laws Protect Injured Employees?
When you’ve been injured on the job because of dangerous, toxic, hazardous conditions, by law your employer is required to pay your medical care, temporary disability benefits, supplemental job displacement benefits, vocational rehabilitation, a return-to-work supplement, psychiatric or psychological care when needed, and 2/3 of your usual pay, tax-free.
Attorney’s Gordon and Gordon for Work Injury Cases
As a skilled hands-on firm, Gordon and Gordon are uniquely qualified to vigorously pursue the medical care and financial compensation you lawfully and morally deserve. Throughout the process, he will consistently and respectfully communicate with you about the progress of your case and answer phone calls and emails promptly.
As your vigilant advocate, attorneys Gordon and Gordon fully understand how critical obtaining a just workers’ compensation settlement is to your quality of life, whether you’re a husband, wife, father, mother or a single person. Unlike some other law firms, he and his compassionate legal team will take a personal interest in your well-being.
When the Gordon and Gordon firm takes your case, you’ll never ever pay a cent up-front—only after we acquire your monetary settlement will he be paid a reasonable, pre-agreed fee.
Even if You Began the Claims Process, or Your Benefits Were Denied, It’s Not Too Late
If you already filed a claim, you may be overwhelmed by the process. Or if you filed a claim, and it was denied, worker’s compensation attorneys Gordon and Gordon can appeal it.
Gordon and Gordon, Shreveport Work Injury Lawyers
To learn how you can protect your rights as an injured employee, contact the Gordon and Gordon law firm now for your free, no obligation case assessment for the Shreveport, Bossier, Mansfield areas. It’s easy. Contact Gordon and Gordon today!