Gordon & Gordon Law Firm is proudly supporting the life-changing ministry in the Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission. The SB Rescue Mission exists to pursue the passion of Jesus Christ to lift up the hungry, homeless, abused and addicted. This ministry reaches out to feed, clothe, shelter & provide healing services to homeless men, women, and families with children.
Over 1,000 people sought help through the SB Rescue Mission in the past year with over 135,000 meals being served. These things could never be accomplished without a caring and supportive community. The mission offers several ways to become involved such as donating goods, volunteering time, giving financially, and praying for individuals who need to experience the love of God in a tangible, personal way. If you are looking for a great mission to support this holiday season, consider the Shreveport Bossier Rescue Mission, where they’re changing our cities one life at a time!