After you’ve suffered injuries in a Shreveport, Bossier City, or Mansfield, Louisiana, accident, even if you think your injuries are minor, you should still immediately contact an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney to evaluate your case. Until an attorney hears what happened and reviews your medical records, it’s too soon to decide whether your case is big enough for an attorney to handle.
What seems to be a minor injury may create serious complications and problems for you in the future.
For instance, what someone considers as insignificant, negligible pain can be the beginning of severe nerve damage or internal injuries, the symptoms of which could only manifest over time. Or if you have lacerations that you assume will heal, you could still develop an infection or disfiguring scars. Many times, minor injuries can become major injuries.
To add to your accident trauma because of someone else’s negligence and recklessness, your damages may become more substantial if they create long-term psychological issues, and even more so, could potentially impact your enjoyment of life.
Let Gordon & Gordon Attorneys Review Your Case to Determine Whether You Should File A Claim or Pursue A Lawsuit
If you’ve been injured in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, a toxic or environmental spill, on the job, in an oil field or construction site, or because of a dangerous product, many opportunities exist for monetary compensation. Even if you think your injuries are minor, it takes a knowledgeable, qualified, and experienced personal injury attorney to determine whether your injuries are serious enough to require legal representation, so you can monetarily recover.
When you personally meet with one of our seasoned personal injury attorneys during a free personal injury consultation, he will evaluate what reasonable course of post-accident action you should take.
No Case Is Too Small to Discuss with A Gordon & Gordon Personal Injury Attorney
To determine whether your injuries are significant enough to warrant hiring a Gordon & Gordon attorney, all you have to do is call or email us to discuss your potential case. When you contact our office, no matter how mild you think your injuries are, you will be treated with respect, patience, and compassion. Be sure to check out our website and do not hesitate to contact us.
Because we’ve handled cases like yours for over 30 years, we know that even when an injury appears minor right after an accident, it doesn’t always stay that way. Unforeseen complications can arise. In the early days following an accident, you may not be aware of how serious your injuries are. With the passage of time, serious effects and more symptoms may show up.
What you consider an insignificant injury can become a multi-million dollar financial win that will make the damages your injuries have caused more manageable.
Accident Injury Monetary Recovery Options
What’s more, just because you consider your injuries minor doesn’t mean there aren’t ways for you to be financially compensated, especially when you’ve been injured through the carelessness and negligence of someone else. There are several courses of action to take even if you think your case is too small. Three ways to be compensated for your injuries include:
▪ Insurance claim
▪ Mass tort lawsuit
▪ Class action lawsuit
After you’ve been injured in an accident because of someone else, your Gordon & Gordon attorneys can advise what’s best for you to do.
Free Consultation/No Up-Front Cost
When you meet with one of our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys, we will review your case, advise you about your rights, and determine whether your case is “big enough” for us to handle. If we take you on as a client, you will never pay a penny up-front. You can be confident we’ll work aggressively and diligently on your behalf because we only get paid when we win your case.
Contact Us Immediately Before Time Runs Out
Call today so we can begin the fight to win your rightful monetary settlement. And don’t delay. The statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims is limited. If you don’t file in a timely manner, you may permanently lose your right to financial recovery.
To speak personally with one of Gordon & Gordon Law Firm’s qualified, experienced Shreveport, Bossier City, or Mansfield personal injury attorneys, call us today at 318.716.HELP.